Certification per purpose of the Horse
ATR Reference: | Certification requirement |
UN Code: | A83 |
NTM Type: | Certification Requirement |
Issuing Agency

- 5 Visayas Ave, Diliman, Quezon City, 1128 Metro Manila
- 8528 2240 local 1302/1304 or 8528-2240 local 11501 to 11504
- 89282429, 89281778
- bai_dir@yahoo.com, afvbcd@bai.gov.ph, nvqsd@bai.gov.ph
- https://www.bai.gov.ph/
The importation of horses requires a certification of purpose:
a. Race Horse- certification from Stud Book and Animal registry Division (SBARD) and Philippine Racing Commission;
b. Riding Horse- bona fide owner of an accredited riding school or member of a recognized riding club in the Philippines;
c. Polo Horse- member of accredited and duly registered Polo Club in the Philippines;
d. Work Horse- proof of actual need of the horse
Governing Law: | Administrative Order No. 15, Series of 2001: |
Applicable Section: | Section 2.24 |